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ASSAM Project
This video shows interviews with some ASSAM project leaders regarding the overall project objectives and experiences.
ASSAM Range of Mobility Assistance
This video shows the range of mobility support provided by the ASSAM assistants, as the user is increasingly aging.
Hardware Components
The present video shows the functionality of a previous version of the handle bar with light (and experimental tactile) feedback integrated with an electric wheel and some sensors distributed over iWalker. In ASSAM, independent, self-contained components iHandleBar and iWheel (including all necessary sensors in the wheel and its axle) are being developed on this basis, and prototypes exist.
Autonomous Navigation Assistant
This video illustrates the state of development of a demonstrator from the project “Assistance for Safe Mobility” (ASSAM). The film exhibits the current prototype in a fully autonomous navigation task on an exemplary pedestrian- and cycleway. During this mode of operation, the user is always able to stop or continue the execution of the commanded route by fastening or releasing the joystick on the wheelchair’s control console. More information about this teaser will be available with the corresponding publication.
This video shows the final Tricycle prototype in action.